Who we are
We are a community of professionals interested in the impact of the cultural heritage sector on the people who interact with its actions and services. As a group we are eager to discuss the value of impact and the challenges we face when assessing it. We aim to constantly improve our daily work so that it is in line with the needs of our audiences and other relevant stakeholders.
What we do
We support our members to develop and refine their practice of impact assessment and awareness. We contribute to the ongoing development of impact practitioners and transfer knowledge and share skills, tools and resources around impact. We communicate to our networks, and audiences beyond our Community, the importance and value of impact assessment and the utility of the Impact Toolkit and Playbook.
Why join?
- Use our community channels to keep informed, expand your network, share best practice and promote your activities with other dedicated professionals from around the world
- Contribute to our yearly work plan to shape the future of the community activities
- Represent and set the agenda at Europeana's annual conference