Renew your membership and keep working with us in the Europeana Network Association!
The importance of a supportive and collaborative cultural heritage network has never been greater. This month in the Europeana Network Association (ENA), we are asking our members to renew their membership by 1 October 2020 in order to remain part of our growing network of over 2,800 professionals in the field of digital cultural heritage.

- Title:
- Radio Train CC-BY-NC-ND
- Creator:
- Jacob's Biscuit Factory
- Date:
- 1960
- Institution:
- Dublin City Library and Archive
- Country:
- Ireland
What we stand for
Over the past five years, we’ve built a strong, democratic community of professionals, dedicated to good practice and united by a shared mission to expand and improve access to Europe's cultural heritage. Our goal is to make a cultural impact on Europe – together.
We believe in creative collaboration and teamwork. We are committed to making, sharing, promoting and repurposing Europe’s digital cultural heritage. To achieve this, we use our individual expertise to encourage innovation and cross-border and cross-domain collaboration.
We develop, validate and implement the standards and frameworks that improve access and discovery. We participate in and influence the governance of the Europeana initiative, and shape the sector through our work with policymakers. We are committed to openness, transparency and good manners in all interactions and activities under the ENA Code of Conduct.
In addition, we proudly run six growing communities and various working groups and task forces where members can exchange knowledge and best practices with other like-minded professionals. These communities have emerged as the ENA’s main vehicle to strengthen the role of digital cultural heritage in general, and Europeana in particular. The communities help harmonize sectoral differences, support the digital transformation of thousands of cultural heritage institutions, and engage with multiple user groups.
We need you on board!
None of this amazing work would be possible without the dedication of our members. To keep benefitting from all the ENA has to offer, we ask our members to confirm their membership before 1 October 2020. This will allow us to provide a better service to our members, update membership-related information in line with our privacy policy, and encourage a vibrant and active network.
Don’t forget that as a ENA member you can:
Get reimbursed to attend our annual conference and benefit from engaging workshops, discussions, panels, interaction and networking.
Exchange knowledge, expertise and best practice in our six special interest communities.
Work with the Europeana Foundation to involve policymakers and set the agenda for digital cultural heritage in funded Task Forces and Working Groups.
Meet colleagues from the cultural heritage sector to develop new projects and foster cross-border and cross-domain collaboration.
Stand for election as a Members Councillor to lead on new initiatives for digital cultural heritage. The elections will be launched mid-November 2020.
Have your views and interests represented within the Europeana Initiative by the ENA Management Board.
Approve governance decisions and strategic documents such as the Association budget, or the annual Activity Plan.
Get the latest news from Europeana and the Europeana cultural heritage landscape through our monthly Network Association newsletter and community updates.
What do you need to do?
It only takes a few simple steps for you to renew your ENA membership. On 20 April 2020, we sent you a message with instructions for you to update your status by choosing one of the following options:
Confirm your membership
Confirm your membership and adjust your personal information
Alternatively inform us that you no longer wish to be a member
If you haven't received this email, please check your spam box. You will hear from us again before 1 October 2020. Remember that if you do not register or confirm your Europeana Network Association membership by 1 October, you will not be able to take part in this year’s elections and voting. Let us know that you are still on board!
If you are not an ENA member yet, we would love to welcome you in our Network, and invite you to register here.