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Lovas Lajos
Budapest, 14.07.1967.
Sociologist, writer, teacher, doctorandus, absolvent in the Literatures Studies Doctor School of Eötvös Loránd University

Executive of Forum Hungaricum Nonprofit Ltd. 2017-

2011-2016: Main director of Hungarian National Digital Archive and Filminstitute
2012-2015: project leader (szakmai vezető) in National Film Theme Park (EU project)
2011: Ministerial Commisionar for cultural digitalization
2010-2011: head of department for cultural digitalization in Ministry of National Resources
2006-2010: mayor of Zsámbék city
2006: cheef editor of Magyar Nemzet Online (daily newspaper)
2005-2006: news director of Juventus Radio
2003-2006: cheef editor of HírTV online (news televisoin)
2001-2002: vice president of Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
1998-2000: manager of Magyar Nemzet, Napi Magyarország, Sportfogadás
