Tomasz Parkola
Team Lead
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Poland, PL
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
Member of Education Community
Member of Communicators Community
Member of Impact Community
Member of Copyright Community
Tomasz Parkoła is the Head of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poznań, Poland) where he manages research & development teams responsible for digital humanities infrastructure (http://ehum.psnc.pl/en/main-page/), products and services for digital libraries and cultural heritage (https://dingo.psnc.pl/) as well as Europeana-accredited Polish metadata aggregator FBC (https://fbc.pionier.net.pl/). He has been involved in national and international research and development projects with main themes on data access & processing, long-term preservation, digitization workflows as well as data aggregation & interoperability (e.g. IMPACT, SCAPE, SSHOC, DS4CH). He is a board member in the IMPACT Centre of Competence (since 2011), a co-head of DARIAH-EU's Virtual Competence Centre on E-Infrastructure (since 2022) and a Product Board member of the Open Preservation Foundation (since 2019). He was programme committee member for iPRES 2014, iPRES 2016, DATeCH 2017 and DARIAH AE 2019 and 2021. He is an author or co-author of several dozens of scientific and popular science publications. He has PMP®, UX-PM, PMI ACP and ITIL v4 DPI professional certifications.