Brian Katz
Research Director, CNRS
Sorbonne University
France, FR
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
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Member of Communicators Community
Member of Impact Community
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Member of Climate Action Community
Brian F.G. Katz worked from 1994 until 2000 in the USA, first as a consultant for K&K Consulting, Artec Consultants Inc. and then for Arup Acoustics. As of 2001, granted with the Chateaubriand fellowship from the French embassy ‘s Mission for Science and Technology, he moved to France and worked for the Musical Acoustics laboratory of the Paris VI University, focusing on the idiosyncratic perceptions of spatialisation’s miscellaneous technics, developing the concept and building of a 3D-sound restitution system room. From 2001 until 2002, he worked at IRCAM, Paris and started his collaboration with Kahle Acoustics. He has been working at the CNRS, Limsi laboratory from 2003 to 2011 and is now head of the Sound Spaces team at Sorbonne University.