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Impact Lite Training and Community Building Task Force

This Task Force builds further on the outcomes of the original Impact Lite Task Force and aims to develop an Impact Lite training methodology and introductory course.  

Posted on Tuesday February 22, 2022

Updated on Wednesday November 27, 2024

1 March 2022 to 31 January 2025
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A class of schoolgirls having lessons in the open air, during hot weather
A class of schoolgirls having lessons in the open air, during hot weather
Wellcome Collection
United Kingdom


The Task Force will develop an Impact Lite training methodology and introductory course (to be used by practitioners), based on the four phases of the Europeana Impact Playbook

The outcomes of the Task Force will support cultural heritage professionals and organisations in their digital transformation (building capacity in planning for impact) and help to recognise and articulate the rewards of sharing content via Europeana and other mechanisms.

As with the first Impact Lite Task Force, the work will be performed in alignment with the work currently done in the inDICEs project, of which Europeana and Platoniq are project partners. In particular, this relates to the development of the InDICEs participatory platform and data analytics dashboard, whose functionality should benefit those applying Phase two of the Playbook. 

Aligning with the forthcoming Capacity Building Framework, the outcomes of the Task force will support cultural heritage professionals and organisations in their digital transformation (building capacity in planning for impact) and help to recognise and articulate the rewards of sharing content via Europeana and other mechanisms.

What will our results be? 

  • 10 - 20 practitioners competent in applying the new Impact Lite methodology

  • Impact Lite Playbook in beta version

  • Video scripts for video introduction to the Impact Lite methodology

  • Task Force recommendations

Planned timeline (subject to change)

Format: monthly two hour digital meetings on Zoom 

  • February/March 2022: Recruitment
  • March/April 2022: Kick-off meeting, onboarding, designing the intended learning objectives and introduction to the course; develop a model for evaluation of the learning outcomes 
  • May 2022: Phase one - impact design lite methodology development
  • June 2022: Phase one - impact design trial and evaluation
  • July 2022: Phase two - impact measurement lite methodology development
  • August /September 2022: Phase two - impact measurement trial and evaluation
  • October 2022: Phase three - narration and Phase four - evaluation lite methodology development
  • November 2022: Phase three - narration and Phase four - evaluation trial and evaluation
  • December 2022: Consolidation of the Impact Lite introductory course and Impact Lite toolkit; sustainability, training and dissemination planning; reflection, evaluation and reporting

Dissemination plan for the Impact Lite methodology and introductory course 

The Impact Lite methodology will be published as a supplementary resource to the existing Impact Playbook phases. We anticipate that it will act as a gateway to the more extensive information contained in each Playbook phase. The Impact Lite outputs will be published on Europeana Pro and we will widely promote the resource, as well as scheduling impact lite training workshops for the wider sector either during or after the Task Force is complete. We will use our Impact Community comms channels to raise awareness of this, including the Impact Community page on Europeana Pro; Europeana Pro news; the Europeana Impact Newsletter; and via the communication channels of Task Force members and partners, including inDICEs. 

