Tanja Horvat
History and Geography teacher
Primary School Odra
Member of EuropeanaTech Community
Member of Research Community
Member of Education Community
Member of Communicators Community
Member of Impact Community
- I am working 11 years as history and geography teacher in Primary School, 1999. till now
- I worked 7 years as the editor for school books - history and geography, publisher Profil Klett, September 2006. - September 2013.
- I was one of the authors of „Zemlja i čovjek 7“, geography textbook for 7th grade in Primary School, 2006.
- Projects:
a) participant KA1 Erasmus + project Trend-based learning (CLIL method, tablets), 2018.-2019.
b) project coordinator of KA2 Erasmus+ project United through cultural and natural diversity - learning through research, 2015.-2017., a project eTwinning Quality Label has been assigned in Croatia and Poland, 2018.
c) eTwinning project Unique landscape, 2015.
d) Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Project, 2014. till now
e) GLOBE program, 2001.-2006.
- I worked 7 years as the editor for school books - history and geography, publisher Profil Klett, September 2006. - September 2013.
- I was one of the authors of „Zemlja i čovjek 7“, geography textbook for 7th grade in Primary School, 2006.
- Projects:
a) participant KA1 Erasmus + project Trend-based learning (CLIL method, tablets), 2018.-2019.
b) project coordinator of KA2 Erasmus+ project United through cultural and natural diversity - learning through research, 2015.-2017., a project eTwinning Quality Label has been assigned in Croatia and Poland, 2018.
c) eTwinning project Unique landscape, 2015.
d) Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Project, 2014. till now
e) GLOBE program, 2001.-2006.