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Portrait of Kate Seymour

Kate Seymour

Head of Education Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg Cultural Heritage

Kate Seymour is an art historian (MA Hons, Aberdeen University 1993) who received a Masters of Arts in the
Conservation of Easel Paintings from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle in 1999. She moved to the
Netherlands in 1999 to work at the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL), Maastricht (the Netherlands) as a
painting conservator and is currently the Head of Education at this institution. Her position entails supervising the
practical and research work carried out by post-graduate paintings’ students from the University of Amsterdam
programme for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, as well as teaching and lecturing on a variety
of subjects, both academic and practical, throughout the two year Master of Arts in Conservation Studies at the
University of Amsterdam. She also co-organises and teaches modules at Maastricht University (FASOS and MSP)
aimed at introducing conservation science to Liberal Arts and Science Bachelor students. She travels frequently
abroad to give workshops on conservation practice and theory to mid-career conservators, integrating her material
knowledge and practical skills with an ability to disseminate complex decision making processes. Her interests
include the structural treatment of both canvas and panel paintings, cleaning polychromed surfaces, filling and
retouching systems and varnishing painted surfaces. In addition, Kate Seymour is currently a member of the ICOMCC Directory Board (2020-2023), where she holds office as Chair, following on from her service to this volunteer
organisation as Directory Board - Coordinator Liaison on the 2017-2020 ICOM-CC Directory Board. She held the post of ICOM-CC Coordinator for the Working Group Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decoration (2008-2014),
and Coordinator of the Education and Training in Conservation Working Group (2014-2017). She has been involved
in a number of European funded projects, including IMAT (ENV-NMP.2011.2.2-5) and Proyecto Gacha (HAR2011-24217 Spain). In 2019, she was the project coordinator and one of the lecturing team for the Conserving Canvas Mist Lining Workshops hosted at SRAL, funded by The Getty Foundation. She currently leads the Indian
Conservation Fellowship Program (ICFP) at SRAL (2013-2023).