Ariadna Matas
Ariadna contributes to the development and management of policies and frameworks that govern the sharing and opening up of data from the cultural heritage sector.
Ariadna also contributes to efforts to build the capacity of cultural heritage professionals to empower them to deal with copyright and other relevant legal and contractual aspects when sharing digital cultural heritage online and making it available for reuse.
Ariadna studied Law and has a Master's degree in Intellectual Property Law.
Ariadna supports and coordinates the work of:
Europeana Copyright Community: https://pro.europeana.eu/page/europeana-copyright
Rights Statements Consortium: https://rightsstatements.org/en/
Ariadna is a member of:
Creative Commons Global Network Copyright Platform: https://network.creativecommons.org/cc-copyright-platform-activity-fund/
NEMO's Working Group on Digitisation & IPR: https://www.ne-mo.org/about-us/working-groups/working-group-digitalisation-and-ipr.html
Libraries and IP group at the Spanish Federation of Library Associations: http://www.fesabid.org/bpi/grupo-bpi-bibliotecas-y-propiedad-intelectual
Rights Statements Consortium Statements and Implementation Working Groups: https://rightsstatements.org/en/about.html