Membership of the Europeana Network Association offers the chance to find like-minded people and tackle common issues together. Explore our member’s list by country and domain to find opportunities for conversation, collaboration and creativity.
Membership of the Europeana Network Association offers the chance to find like-minded people and tackle common issues together. Explore our member’s list by country and domain to find opportunities for conversation, collaboration and creativity.
Name | Company | Country | Sector | Community |
Thorsten Wübbena | Company: Leibniz Institute of European History | Country: Germany, DE | Sector: Academia | Community: false |
Thorvaldur Bödvarsson | Company: National Museum of Iceland | Country: Iceland, IS | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research |
Tiago Candeias | Company: Faro 2027 | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education |
Tiffany Fukuma | Company: Trans Europe Halles | Country: Sweden, SE | Sector: Other | Community: Climate |
Tihana Modric | Company: Primary school Bol, Split | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright |
Tijmen Baarda | Company: Utrecht University | Country: Netherlands, NL | Sector: Education | Community: Tech, Research, Education |
Tilmann Reuther | Company: University of Klagenfurt | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Education |
Tim Keefe | Company: Chester Beatty | Country: Ireland, IE | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research |
Tim Stapel | Company: Erfgoed Gelderland | Country: Unknown | Sector: Other sector | Community: Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright |
Tim Wright | Company: Twintangibles | Country: Unknown | Sector: Other sector | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators |
Tim van der Heijden | Company: Open University Netherlands | Country: Unknown | Sector: Academia | Community: Research, Impact |
Tim Lavery | Company: EdTech Ireland | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Education, Impact |
Tim White-Sobieski | Company: Unknown | Country: Italy | Sector: Creative industries | Community: Research, Impact |
Tim Hammerton | Company: Coventry University | Country: Unknown | Sector: Creative industries | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright |
Timo Enroth | Company: Finnish National Gallery | Country: Finland, FI | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education |
Timo Riekko | Company: Alvar Aalto Foundation | Country: Unknown | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact |
Timoleon Theofanellis | Company: Regional Education Authority for North Aegean | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Communicators |
Timothy Duguid | Company: University of Glasgow | Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, GB | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Copyright |
Tina Schneider | Company: Natural History Museum, Berlin | Country: Germany, DE | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: Research, Education, Communicators |
Tine Moeyaert | Company: De Bron | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Communicators, Copyright |