Membership of the Europeana Network Association offers the chance to find like-minded people and tackle common issues together. Explore our member’s list by country and domain to find opportunities for conversation, collaboration and creativity.
Membership of the Europeana Network Association offers the chance to find like-minded people and tackle common issues together. Explore our member’s list by country and domain to find opportunities for conversation, collaboration and creativity.
Name | Company | Country | Sector | Community |
Theresa Becker | Company: OERColorado | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Education, Impact, Copyright, Climate |
Theresa Giakoumatou | Company: 4th Directorate Secondary Education | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Education, Copyright |
Theresa Ryan | Company: Technological University Dublin | Country: Ireland, IE | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Education, Impact |
Thi Duyen Ngo | Company: VNU University of Engineering and Technology | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Education, Impact, Copyright |
Thi Thanh Le Lu | Company: Vietnam National University | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Communicators |
Thibault Guillaumont | Company: Holusion | Country: France, FR | Sector: Other | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Impact |
Thierry Baujard | Company: Pan European Investment Network | Country: Germany, DE | Sector: Creative industries | Community: EuropeanaTech |
Thierry Bultingaire | Company: Ministry of Culture | Country: France, FR | Sector: Other sector | Community: Research, Climate |
Thoi Antoniou | Company: 29 Elementary School Mesa Yitonia Limassol | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: Research, Education |
Thomas J. Burk | Company: Freelance Historian | Country: Germany, DE | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: Research, Education, Communicators, Copyright |
Thomas McEnchroe | Company: Unknown | Country: Switzerland, CH | Sector: Other | Community: Research, Communicators |
Thomas Halton | Company: Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology | Country: Ireland | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright, Climate, EuropeanaTech |
Thomas Francart | Company: Sparna | Country: Unknown | Sector: Other sector | Community: Research, Education, Communicators |
Thomas Desmedt | Company: House of Alijn | Country: Unknown | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright, Climate |
Thomas Ostergaard | Company: VIA University College | Country: Unknown | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright |
Thomas Van Maaren | Company: Picturae | Country: Unknown | Sector: Other sector | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact |
Thomas Rigauts | Company: Cyprus University of Technology | Country: Cyprus, CY | Sector: Education | Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact, Copyright |
Thomas Aigner | Company: International Centre for Archival Research | Country: Austria, AT | Sector: Cultural heritage | Community: Research, Education |
Thomas Kohlwein | Company: University of Vienna | Country: Austria, AT | Sector: Education | Community: Education |
Thorsten Wübbena | Company: Leibniz Institute of European History | Country: Germany, DE | Sector: Academia | Community: false |