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Portrait of Vincenzo Merenda

Vincenzo Merenda

Producer Mash&Co

Vincenzo Merenda deals with the executive production and technical aspects of the projects produced by Mash&Co. He is verticality is the creation of transmedia production strategies, to make the development of the original Mash &Co IPs scalable. In 2023 he was awarded the "Social Impact Prize 2030 EU" in recognition of the vision and impact of the works produced. In 2018 he was recognized as a "promising young person in production" by the Sicily Film Commission and Maia Workshop. He collaborated with Studio Kedd (Oscar-winning studio). He produced the interactive series "Mash&Co", which with 14 localizations was distributed by Samsung Kids, Amazon Kids, and Microsoft. The same series won the Digital Ehon award as best IP, the special mention of Animahenasyon Philippines, finalist at Rai's Cartoons on the Bay. Also at Cartoons on the Bay, she won first place in the trans-media category with the series concept of "Super Sofia".