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Portrait of Andreas Lange

Andreas Lange

European Federation of Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects (EFGAMP e.V.) Germany, DE Creative industries

Andreas Lange is founding director of the Computer Games Museum in Berlin and was its curator until August 2018. He studied Comparative Religions and Dramatics (M.A.) at Freie Universität Berlin. Lange is president of EFGAMP e.V. (European Federation of Game Archives Museums and Preservation Projects) and acts as an expert on gaming culture, digital heritage cultural diversity for the European Union and the German Unesco commission.

His experience reaches from project lead of European research projects (KEEP, FP7) to curatorships of dozens of exhibitions in the context of gaming culture. He also was mainly responsible to set-up the collection of the Computerspielemuseum.

2019 Andreas co-initiated 'Art of Coding', an initiative to enlist the demoscene as first digital culture on the list of UNESCO intangible world cultural heritage.
