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Posted on Friday February 23, 2024

Updated on Thursday March 6, 2025

Communicators Community Work Plan

The Europeana Communicators Community is one of the Europeana Network Association's specialist communities. Explore their work plan for 2025. You can also join the Europeana Communicators Community through the Europeana Network Association.

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1. Community aspirations and impact areas

1.1 Community aspiration and long-term aims

The Communicators Community aims to foster a welcoming, inclusive community of engaged communicators, who recognise, share and promote the value of (digital) cultural heritage and of the common European data space for cultural heritage. We aim to embrace our multinational and multilingual community, and be transparent in our activities.

Our aspiration contributes to the objectives and vision of the Europeana Initiative Vision 2030 in its focus on communicating the value of reuse of digital cultural heritage and the data space; and in its aim to embrace our multinational and multilingual community, we also support the Strategy’s plan to strengthen relationships and engage with Member States.

Our Community aspiration is connected to two of the long-term aims set out in the Impact Model:

  • LT.1 Just economic and social growth through cultural data used for personal, professional and/or economic purposes (for example, as we encourage reuse and engagement with cultural heritage data).

  • LT.2 People are more productive and innovative after engaging with knowledge development and transfer activities (for example, as we support resources and capacity building activities related to digital storytelling).

1.2 Delivering your community aspiration - connecting to one or more of the impact pathways

We will deliver our community aspirations through two impact pathways, through the following actions:

  • P.1 Creativity and engagement with cultural heritage (reuse and engagement of the general public)
    • We will reach (new) audiences through adapting communication styles tailored to their needs

    • We will develop content on relevant topics related to cultural heritage, Europeana and the data space

    • We will promote and support resources and events related to digital storytelling

  • P.3 Network development and collaboration
    • We will engage with ENA members and non-ENA members in the data space through active and constant communications and activities, and create value by fostering meaningful connections and cooperative efforts among members.

    • To achieve this, we will consider organising regular networking events, thematic workshops and cross-disciplinary forums that bring together individuals and organisations with complementary expertise. These initiatives would enhance collaboration on shared goals, encourage the exchange of ideas, and amplify collective impact. By providing platforms for dialogue and co-creation, the community can strengthen its network and empower members to achieve broader societal influence while aligning with the collective aspiration.

    • We will use our role as Communicators to support inclusive communication through the data space.

In the coming year, we will work on creating a Change Pathway for our community.

2. Communicators Community membership

    As of October 2024, the Communicators Community has 1,927 members. Most of our knowledge about our membership is based on a survey undertaken in 2021. There was a low response rate, but the survey showed that our Members are typically members of several communities; their role involves them doing communications, but they are not necessarily communications professionals; they are interested in networking with others and with webinars.

    Our members engage through reading our newsletter; circulating news on Listserv; through our LinkedIn group (although this group also has non-members); and through attending events and webinars relevant to Communicators.

    In the coming year we will consider running an empathy map exercise and reviewing existing data to become more familiar and comfortable in reaching our existing and desired audience(s).

    To get to know community members without using surveys (at the risk of survey fatigue), we will also engage in activities that foster natural interactions and build relationships over time. This could be through the following approaches, which prioritise active listening and organic relationship-building over data collection, creating a more personal and meaningful connection with our community.

    • Host informal meetups: organise casual events like coffee chats (similar to Copyright Office Hours), or networking mixers where members can share their interests, goals and expertise in a relaxed setting.

    • Facilitate storytelling sessions: encourage members to share their personal journeys, professional experiences, or motivations for joining the community through storytelling workshops or spotlight series.

    • Use online forums in Linkedin for exchange: where members can discuss topics of interest, pose questions, and exchange ideas. Monitor these interactions to understand their priorities and perspectives.

    • Participate in co-creation activities: host brainstorming sessions, hackathons, or collaborative projects that allow members to actively engage and demonstrate their skills and interests.

    • Conduct one-on-one conversations: schedule informal calls with individuals to gain deeper insights into their needs, values, and aspirations.

    • Observe engagement patterns: analyse how members interact during events, online platforms, or in collaborative efforts to identify their preferences and strengths.

    3. Governance

    3.1 SG composition (including any potential changes)

    • Carola Carlino

    • Georgia Evans

    • Maria Kagkelidou

    • Marianna Marcucci

    • Vaya Papadopoulou

    • Claudia Porto

    • Cristina Roiu

    • Deborah Schull

    3.2 Chair and responsibilities

    We have a rotating chairship. In 2025, Marianna Marcucci will chair the Community from January - June, and Carola Carlino will chair the Community from July - December.

    3.3 Intention to meet

    The Steering Group meets once a month, on the last Friday of the month at 2pm CE(S)T; and as necessary to plan discrete pieces of work. If possible, we would like to have an in person meeting at Europeana 2025.

    3.4 Recruitment

    We would like to expand the Steering Group, and in 2025 will approach newly elected Members Councillors with membership of, or interest in, the Community.

    Activity plan

      4.1 Outreach and communications

      • We have several stickers which promote the seven tips for digital storytelling, these are given out a relevant Europeana and data space events

      • We run a bi-montly newsletter

      • We manage a LinkedIn Group and Listserv mailing list

      4.2 Peer to peer knowledge-sharing activities

      In addition to the activities detailed under 1.2 and 2, we plan to run a series of webinars in 2025 which address the intersection of digital storytelling and tourism.

      4.3 Task force(s) or working groups

      The Community does not have plans for a Task Force.

      4.4 Other activities

      We will work with our community to continue translating the seven tips for digital storytelling, and support translation activities across the Europeana Initiative.

      Monitoring engagement and success



        Suggested reporting timeline and approach



        Number of Community- or steering group-organised activities, e.g. presentations, events or training

        • Reporting annually

        • No KPI due to voluntary nature of ENA Community activities

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised


        Number of participants/beneficiaries of discrete Community-led activities

        • Reporting annually

        • No KPI

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised


        Satisfaction rating relating to ENA Community-led activities

        • 75% benchmark as standard

        • Reporting annually

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised

        • Align with standard guidance on evaluating products and services


        Views of main landing page and key Community resources (to be agreed per Community and promoted / disseminated accordingly)

        • No KPI

        • Voluntary and only used if appropriate

        • Measured already for Impact Playbook, for example, noting that dissemination and engagement is not only influenced by community activities

        In 2025, we will track the:

        • Number, attendance and satisfaction rate of any events organised by the community

        • Number of newsletters sent and relevant performance metrics (e.g. open and click rates)

        • Number of Community members

        • Views of the digital storytelling tips page on Europeana Pro

        Georgia Evans, as the community support from the Europeana Foundation, will supply these figures with the support of other EF colleagues where necessary.

        We will use this data to inform planning and activities for the following year.


          6.1 Budget request

          In total EUR 4,000.

          6.2 Budget breakdown

          Please provide a breakdown of how the budget may be spent (in table or narrative form).

          • Travel for a physical meeting at the Europeana Conference; OR compensation for speakers for a webinar series; OR support for a course on Europeana Academy (and translation) (2,600 euros)

          • Listserv mailing list (600 euros)

          • Supporting a prize/competition (500 euros)

          • Potential compensation for translating relevant communications documents (approximately 300 euros)

          Previous work plans

          Explore and download the Communicators Community's Work Plans from the previous years.
