Europeana XX
The project delivered high-quality 20th century content to Europeana and increased the quality of existing content and metadata currently available on the Europeana website to enhance their discoverability and reuse.
The project delivered high-quality 20th century content to Europeana and increased the quality of existing content and metadata currently available on the Europeana website to enhance their discoverability and reuse.
Europeana XX contributed a significant amount of very high-quality material to Europeana, related to the social developments of the last century: namely, over 400,000 new records and more than 15,000 updated records. Over 2,5 million records were improved with either English translations of the title and description or semantic enrichments.
The project also developed a suite of four innovative tools for enriching data and metdata, including the Smart Editorial Support System find out more about its recommendation system and user galleries components), Subtitle-a-thon platform, SAGE (for semantic enrichment) and the Heritage Metadata Automatic Translation System). The project created a new set of APIs and enhanced six Europeana API developments. Finally, it extended the functionalities of seven existing platforms related to content aggregation and user engagement. Some of these are linked to or key parts of the Europeana Core Service Platform (ECSP), for example, Metis & Mint aggregation systems or the enhanced media player on the Europeana website; others include external services, such as the standalone MuPop and QANDR platforms for user engagement.
Overall, the project raised awareness of 20th century cultural collections and encouraged their reuse through subtitle-a-thon campaigns and several on-site experiences and engaging editorials. The project has also improved collections’ discoverability by delivering a set of editorial (adding new formats to the existing portfolio of editorials on the Europeana website) and by presenting the records through exhibitions and a series of crowdsourcing events.
Europeana XX was a Europeana Generic Service project, and co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union.
Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision (NISV) - The Netherlands (coordinator)
Europeana Foundation - The Netherlands
Istituto Luce- Cinecittà (LUCE) - Italy
The National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute (FINA) - Poland
Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V. (DFF) - Germany
Catwalkpictures - Belgium
European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) - Italy
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) - Belgium
Photoconsortium- International Consortium for Photographic Heritage (PHOTOCONS) - Italy
Jewish Historical Museum (JHM) - The Netherlands
Jewish Historical Network (JHN) - The Netherlands
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) - Greece
Pangeanic - Spain
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) - Germany
Anacode - Germany
Thinkcode - Cyprus
Noterik B.V (NOTERIK) - The Netherlands