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Portrait of Jef Malliet

Jef Malliet

Heritage consultant Flemish Government. dept. of Culture, Youth and Media Belgium, BE Government

Engineer-architect by education, worked for more than 20 years in various projects and functions at ICCROM in Rome (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property). In 2005 employed at the Province of Limburg (Belgium), for the development of the heritage database/aggregator Since 2018 at the Department for Culture, Youth and Media of the Flemish Community.

Following Europeana since 2008:
- Partner in the projects EuropeanaLocal, Europeana Awareness and LoCloud.
- CCPA, chairman of the Ethics Working Group in 2011.
- Europeana Network, chair of a Taskforce on public-private partnerships in 2012-2013.
- Europeana Network Association Councillor 2015-2018, Governance Working Group.
- Chair of a Taskforce on the Network Participation Framework in 2017.
- Actively following Aggregators Forum, EuropeanaTech, Data Quality Committee.
