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Membership of the Europeana Network Association offers the chance to find like-minded people and tackle common issues together. Explore our member’s list by country and domain to find opportunities for conversation, collaboration and creativity.

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Name Company Country Sector Community
Rosa Tiziana Bruno Company: Ministry of Education, University and Research Italy Country: Unknown Sector: Other sector Community: Education
Rosa Fabeiro García Company: University of Barcelona Country: Spain, ES Sector: Academia Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators, Impact
Rosa Guedes Company: Dr Francisco Fernandes Lopes secondary school Country: Unknown Sector: Education Community: false
Rosa Cortazar Melendez Company: UX database Country: Unknown Sector: Academia Community: Impact
Rosa Murphy Company: None Country: Ireland, IE Sector: Academia Community: false
Rosalina Ramadhanni Company: @america Country: Unknown Sector: Other sector Community: Research, Education
Rosanna Rizzi Company: Istituto comprensivo Japigia II - Torre a Mare Country: Italy, IT Sector: Secondary education Community: Education
Rosanna Busiello Company: School Country: Italy, IT Sector: Education Community: Research, Education, Impact
Rosario Arquero-Avilés Company: Complutense University of Madrid Country: Spain, ES Sector: Education Community: EuropeanaTech, Research
Rose Nicholson Company: North Lincolnshire Council - Heritage Team Country: Unknown Sector: Cultural heritage Community: Communicators
Roselina Diaz Company: International University of La Rioja Country: Unknown Sector: Education Community: EuropeanaTech
Rosella Caffo Company: CulturaItalia Country: Italy, IT Sector: Cultural heritage Community: false
Rosemarie Noone Company: The Hunt Museum Country: Ireland, IE Sector: Cultural heritage Community: Research, Impact
Roshan Bhondekar Company: Transcontinetal Times Country: Unknown Sector: Other sector Community: Education
Rositsa Dekova Company: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Country: Unknown Sector: Academia Community: EuropeanaTech, Communicators, Impact
Ross King Company: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Country: Unknown Sector: Academia Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Communicators
Rossana Damiano Company: University of Turin Country: Unknown Sector: Education Community: false
Rossana Morriello Company: University of Florence Country: Italy, IT Sector: Cultural heritage Community: EuropeanaTech, Research, Education, Climate