Arenbergstraat 9 Brussels 1000 Belgium, BE
Erfgoedplus.be started as an initiative of two Belgian provinces in the Flemish region. The goal was to collect digital data about cultural heritage on their territories in a central database and to make it accessible to all for reuse, research, education or simply interest. Since 2018 it is managed at the Flemish ministry for culture, broadening the scope potentially to the Flemish region. Though erfgoedplus.be is open for any kind of heritage collection, the main focus is on supporting local, often non-professional heritage holders to register and share their knowledge according to professional standards, including semantic web technology. In 2017 Erfgoedplus.be received the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards in the category Education, Training and Awareness-Raising.
Erfgoedplus.be is operational since 2008 and an aggregator for Europeana since 2010. It holds and publishes data from about 550 collections. In 2018 it published about 150000 records in Europeana.
In addition to data publication, Erfgoedplus.be offers:
- On-the-job training and guidance in regular sessions or on demand,
- Data analysis,
- Data mapping,
- Data quality improvement and enrichment,
- Assistance with registration,
- Web based application for registration of small collections on the Erfgoedplus server.
Technical conditions for working with Erfgoedplus.be:
- Metadata in XML format,
- Minimum standard data model,
- Consistent application of dataformat and thesauri,
- Preferably with images (or pdf, or mp3, video via link only).
Limitations: None
Financial conditions: None