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Пилотният проект Национални групи (Country Groups) има за цел да подобри сътрудничеството на три държави членки на ЕС: България, Италия и Словения в общото европейско пространство за данни за културно наследство.
Pilotni projekt nacionalnih skupin (CG) si prizadeva izboljšati nacionalno sodelovanje držav članic v skupnem evropskem podatkovnem prostoru za kulturno dediščino, primarno v treh državah članicah EU: v Bolgariji, Italiji in Sloveniji.
Article 14 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive improves protection for works in the public domain, supporting our right to access our shared cultural heritage. But how is it being implemented across Europe? The Europeana Copyright Community’s dedicated Task Force on the topic shares their research.
Following the election of nine new Members Councillors in late 2023, we are pleased to announce the members of our new Management Board! Read on to meet them and discover what we will be doing for you in 2024.
In the spirit of a fresh start in the new year, Harry Verwayen, General Director of the Europeana Foundation, Marie-Véronique Leroi, Chair of the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum and Rob Davies, Chair of the Europeana Network Association, share a new year message on behalf of the Europeana Initiative.
The Working Group advises on, supports and complements tasks and activities around concepts which are likely to play a vital role in defining and establishing innovative operating models for the common European data space for cultural heritage.