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Overview for 'Network'

    Seven tips for digital storytelling with cultural heritage
    A tenger kincse
    Szász Endre
    Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár
    News Created: 31 May 2021 Beth Daley

    Seven tips for digital storytelling with cultural heritage

    Digital storytelling is the topic in focus this month on Europeana Pro, as we hear from the Europeana Network Association’s Task Force on Europeana as a ‘powerful platform for storytelling’. Today, discover the Task Force’s seven tips for digital storytelling with cultural heritage.

    Supporting new professionals in the cultural heritage sector
    Europeana 2019: inclusivity and diversity workshop image
    29 November 2019
    Europeana Foundation
    News Created: 19 May 2021 Georgia Evans Killian Downing

    Supporting new professionals in the cultural heritage sector

    Since January 2020, the New Professionals Task Force has been exploring how the Europeana Network Association can support new professionals working and engaging within the cultural heritage sector, and welcome them into the Europeana Initiative. Today, we are excited to introduce and take a look at the findings and recommendations of the final report! 

    How we ran a Task Force entirely virtually during a pandemic
    Három nő
    Szász Endre
    Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár
    News Created: 18 May 2021 Beth Daley

    How we ran a Task Force entirely virtually during a pandemic

    Digital storytelling is the topic in focus this month on Europeana Pro, as we hear from the Europeana Network Association’s Task Force on Europeana as a ‘powerful platform for storytelling’. Today, we explore how the Task Force approached its work when members were unable to meet in person, and we speak to three members about why they wanted to take part and what they got out of it.

    Professionals in Focus - Nienke van Schaverbeke
    Nienke van Schaverbeke at Past:Forward Conference, Erfgoed Brabant
    Sebastiaan ter Burg
    News Created: 28 April 2021 Nienke van Schaverbeke Georgia Evans

    Professionals in Focus - Nienke van Schaverbeke

    In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to Europeana Network Association Members Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. This month, Nienke van Schaverbeke discusses the inspiring projects she is working on at Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and her excitement for Europeana Sport!

    Introducing our ‘EuropeanaTech x AI’ webinar series
    G. Reisch, Margarita philosophica
    Wellcome Collection
    United Kingdom
    News Created: 12 April 2021 Larissa Borck

    Introducing our ‘EuropeanaTech x AI’ webinar series

    The EuropeanaTech Community and Europeana Foundation are delighted to introduce a new webinar series to explore the opportunities and challenges of working with Artificial Intelligence in the cultural heritage and arts sector. We invite you to join us!
