Let’s make next key decisions together: renew your membership!
Renew your membership by 1 November and stay part of leading Europe’s online cultural movement — our thriving community of more than 1,700 professionals that helps shape the digital cultural agenda of tomorrow!
Since 2015, Europeana Network has undergone a significant transformation into a more representative, democratic and transparent body. Together, we encourage good practice in the world of digital cultural heritage, and promote the collections of thousands of institutions across Europe by making them accessible to everyone. We uphold the principles of mutuality, collectivity, access, and attribution while working for benefit of every member of the Association.
“I believe in a 'hands-on’ approach to change. Through our joint efforts, this network can contribute to a more culturally reflective and rich society" - Merete Sanderhoff (Chair Europeana Network Association)
Help us foster the Association!
Our goal is to encourage our existing Members to update their membership before 1 November 2017. To make the Association as effective as possible, we need updated information for each of our members. This will allow us to provide a better service to the network, enforce a healthy level of engagement of our members, and ensure we have a vibrant network in place.
As a member, you can share your interests and insights by joining our funded Task Forces and Working Groups, and initiate new ones. The Members Council and the Association's Management Board will keep ensuring your views and interests are well represented within Europeana. You will have your say on the approval of strategic documents such as the Association budget, the Association Activity Plan and other important decisions. You will vote in our next Members Council elections to be launched on 6 December 2017 - and as a member, you are also entitled to run as a candidate yourself. You will also regularly receive invitations to get involved in the development of the annual business plan.
What do you need to do?
There are only a few simple steps to renew your membership. On 29 May, we will send out an email providing different follow-up options and instructions for Members to update their status. We ask you to read and agree with the Europeana Statutes that were updated last year and the rules of the Association. We will follow up latest by 1 November. If you haven't received this email, please check your spam box.
If you are a cultural professional interested in joining the Association, we would love to welcome you onboard! You can register here. Please note that if you do not register or confirm your Europeana Network Association membership by 1 November, you will not be able to take part in any of the elections or voting in 2017.
Let us know if you are in!