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I am a designer, lecturer and podcaster. As a designer I have worked internationally with multinational corporations, advertising agencies, cultural organisations, publishers and start-ups. As a lecturer, I am is currently the course director of Graphic Design and illustration degrees at Buckingham…
Il progetto pilota relativo ai “Country Groups” (gruppi di lavoro nazionali) mira a migliorare la cooperazione nazionale nell’ambito del “European data space for cultural heritage”, lo spazio comune europeo di dati per il patrimonio culturale, in tre Stati membri dell’UE: Bulgaria, Italia e Slovenia.
The Country Groups pilot project aims at improving national cooperation throughout the common European data space for cultural heritage in three EU member states: Bulgaria, Italy, and Slovenia.
To work towards better, more inclusive spaces for Europeana's community to engage in, we've collaboratively developed Europeana Guidelines for Inclusive Engagement, and we need your help to test them. Find out how you can use the Guidelines and get involved.