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    Crowds flock to ‘biggest ever' WW1 roadshow
    pressrelease Created: 13 March 2012

    Crowds flock to ‘biggest ever' WW1 roadshow

    WW1 memorabilia from Prisoner of War sketches, to locks of hair and photographs of families and soldiers were revealed at the most successful roadshow event ever to get people to share their memories on the web.
    Farewell to Arms. Welcome the Memories
    pressrelease Created: 10 March 2012

    Farewell to Arms. Welcome the Memories

    Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Maribor and Celje, 7 March 2012 – The 100th anniversary of the First World War is approaching. In the context of the pan-European project dubbed Europeana 1914-1918, we will be collecting documents and memories of WWI in Slovenia. T
    Farewell to Arms. Welcome the Memories
    pressrelease Created: 10 March 2012

    Farewell to Arms. Welcome the Memories

    Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Maribor and Celje, 7 March 2012 – The 100th anniversary of the First World War is approaching. In the context of the pan-European project dubbed Europeana 1914-1918, we will be collecting documents and memories of WWI in Slovenia. T
    Fundacija Europeana
    pressrelease Created: 7 March 2012

    Fundacija Europeana

    Se projekt širi v Slovenijo, Veliko Britanijo, Luksemburg, na Irsko in Dansko, pozneje in v letu 2013 pa še v nekaj drugih držav, saj želimo ustvariti edinstven vseevropski virtualni arhiv 1. svetovne vojne. Vse zbrane predmete se bo digitaliziralo in obja
    Digitising pictures, letters and memories
    pressrelease Created: 1 March 2012

    Digitising pictures, letters and memories

    In order to build the first ever online European archive of private memorabilia from WW1 in time for the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of war – the project is being launched with a call to the European public. The project is a par
    100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg
    pressrelease Created: 27 February 2012

    100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg

    Mit einem Aufruf an die Öffentlichkeit, sich mit persönlichen Erinnerungsstücken aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges am Aufbau eines digitalen europäischen Archivs zu beteiligen startet heute in Luxemburg das Projekt europaweit.