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    Mobile browsing will transform the web
    pressrelease Created: 20 December 2011

    Mobile browsing will transform the web

    A new report, Culture on the Go, from UK web-watchers CIBER Research, shows how access to information is changing as people search for, read and use information on the move. A growing proportion of web browsing happens on smartphones like the new Mac iPhon
    Ethics For Europeana
    publication Created: 21 November 2011

    Ethics For Europeana

    Europeana needs a framework of ethical principles for its operations, which all stakeholders should be aware of and subscribe to.

    Remembering the First World War
    pressrelease Created: 14 November 2011

    Remembering the First World War

    Europeana Collections 1914-1918 will create by 2014 – the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War - a substantial digital collection of material from national libraries and other partners from eight countries that found themselves on different sid