Hackers to guest blog for Europeana
Europeana has run hackathons for the last two years in countries across Europe. We are delighted that the winners from Hack4Europe! 2012 events in Riga and Warsaw will shortly be guest blogging for us here on Europeana Pro. Their articles will provide an insight into how they worked with the Europeana API, integrated it with other technology and developed their award-winning apps, as well as the challenges they overcame and any development or commercial plans they have for their products.
Forthcoming licensing changes to Europeana metadata will be reflected in the Europeana API, making it a much more attractive prospect for developers as they will be free to use the metadata in new, creative and commercial ways. In our guest blogposts, we’ll hear what this means to our hackers and how it might shape their apps and their ideas.

Hack4Europe! 2012 winners received their awards at the Digital Agenda in Brussels in June 2012. Left to right: Harry Verwayen, Europeana; MEP Silvia-Adriana Ticau; Milena Popova, Europeana; Beth Daley, Europeana; Eriks Remess, Europ.In; Wouter Aerts, Stackathon; Agata Dziekan, Artspace; Signe Valtina, National Library of Latvia; Anna Misiewicz, Polish National Audiovisual Institute; Marcin Werla, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center; Eleanor Kenny, Europeana.
The apps our guest bloggers will be discussing are…
Artspace, by Agata Dziekan and Marek Sredniawa of Poland. This app brings items from some of Europe’s finest cultural collections to the public via community spaces such as coffee shops, libraries and schools.

Europ.In by Eriks Remess, Maksim Berjoza and Uldis Bojars of Latvia. This app displays Europeana search results visually on a digital pinboard.
We will be featuring guest blogposts on a regular basis so, if you have a story to tell, please get in touch by emailing the blog’s editor, beth.daley@bl.uk
API – Application Programming Interface. For more on Europeana’s API, download our leaflet.
Hackathon – A collaborative software development event. Hack4Europe! 2012 gave developers across Europe access to the Europeana API and two days to create a marketable app. For more on hackathons, see Wikipedia.