Add your institution to the list of prominent individuals in Cultural Heritage calling for updated EU copyright rules

Make your institution one of the voices heard in support of the cultural heritage sector as the European Commission modernises EU copyright rules. We have a window of opportunity now to influence the choices the Commission makes. Read on to find out how.

St. Peter holding a key and book, National Library of the Netherlands, public domain.
The European Commission is committed to modernising EU copyright rules as part of its strategy to create a Digital Single Market for Europe. We welcome this news as current copyright rules restrict Museums, Libraries and Archives in their ability to provide access to information, culture and our shared European history online. If supported by modernised copyright rules the cultural heritage sector can continue its important contribution to society in the digital era and has the potential to be an important driver of the European Digital Single Market.
Therefore we would like to try to influence the outcomes. To this end, Europeana and several heads of major cultural heritage institutions have written an Open Letter strongly in favour of updated copyright rules addressed to Commissioner Oettinger, Vice President Ansip and Commissioner Navracsics.
This need for change was also clearly recognised by the European Parliament in their evaluation report adopted before the summer. This report was directly influenced by the case for change Europeana has been making on behalf of the cultural heritage institutions in its Network.
Encourage your director to add their name to the Open Letter to the Commission on updating EU copyright rules. Widespread support from prominent cultural leaders will greatly strengthen our ability to influence the Commission’s acceptance of copyright change to create better online access to cultural heritage.
The letter is also available in German, Danish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish and Romanian.