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Portrait of Alexandrina-Carmen Paval

Alexandrina-Carmen Paval

Librarian Central University Library Mihai Eminescu Education

I graduated the Economic Studies Faculty from Iasi with marketing specialization. In 1990 I was employed at the "Mihai Eminescu" University Central Library in Iasi. My home town, Iasi, is one of the largest in Romania and also an important university center. The library in which I work is an important one, providing the necessary support for the study of students and teachers from various fields of study at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi.
Regarding my activity, after an internship in other library departments, I chose to work in the Collections Development Department where I have been responsable in the acquisition of books and other documents for about 28 years. I attended several training courses that helped to enrich my professional skills.
Digitization is a subject of interest to my institution in which I have been working for several years, but for many reasons too much could not be done. It is only recently that the first concrete steps are taken, and that why I am interest in this huge project called Europeana. I hope that through the expertise of your organization you can help me to contribute to the institution where I work in his effort to build a valuable collection of digitized documents.