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Posted on Wednesday July 31, 2019

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

Impact Community: Goals v Action 2019

What are the community goals for 2019?  How do they deliver real change through the Europeana Network, and how are we progressing toward them?  Take a look through the three goals for the impact community, broken down into actions.  And read about why this action contributes to the goal, who is leading, coordinating or overseeing the work from the Steering Group and what the current status is.  

A midsummers note - August 2019

from; Impact Community Manager, Julia Fallon

"We've developed this page to enable the Steering Group to share the progress made by the community throughout the year.  So far in 2019, the Steering Group was fully formed and held it's first virtual meeting in June.  In the meantime time sensitvie activities such as planning for the Conference in Lisbon have been coordinated between Maja, Dafydd and myself. 

The next Steering Group meeting - tentatively scheduled for September, will properly distribute leadership of the activities amongst it's members, and determine which of these goals will be carried through to 2020.  If you read about a peice of work that you would like to find out more about, or get more involved with then we'd love to hear from you." 

#1: Support the development of the impact playbook

1.1/1.2/1.3 Playbook Phase II, III & IV

Why are we doing this - To complete the playbook

Who is involved - Impact Steering Group + invited community members - led by Maja

Status - Phase II released in ALPHA to closed review.  BETA release scheduled to community before end of summer.

1.4 Translation

Why are we doing this - Translations are being created by practitioners in order to communicate the Playbook to audiences in their own countries/regions. Storing and making them available centrally maximises their value.

Who is involved - No partners - led byTBC

Status: Polish playbook published.  No other translations scheduled.

#2: Advocate the benefits of impact assessment

2.1 Communications Plan

Why - To ensure that advocacy is as efficient and effective as possible & the Community is well connected and informed

Who is involved - No partners - led byTBC

Status - TBC

2.2 Playbook references documented

Why - Steering group and community members become more aware of opportunities to talk about impact.

Who is involved; Everyone - led by Julia

Status: Map created & page listing events published

2.3 Europeana Conference 2019

Why - Promote value of impact assessment and framework to non-ENA members and ENA members who are not yet Impact community members.

Who is involved; Steering Group - led by Julia

Status: Impact is an underlying theme throughout the conference programme, which features two 90 min sessions, where we will also promote Simon Tanner's forthcoming book; Delivering Impact with Digital Resources

  • Introduction to impact workshop

  • Communicating the value of digital culture to stakeholders

2.4 Develop impact ambassadors 

Why - Promote value of impact assessment and framework to non-ENA members and ENA members who are not yet Impact community members, to network and advocate, and undertake activities listed in 2.2.

Who is involved; No partners identified - led byTBC

Status: N/a

#3: Nurture the practice of impact assessment

3.1 Promote Case Studies 

Why - Community (and other ENA) members become aware of who are putting the Framework to use and are inspired to do the same.

Who is involved;  No partners identified - led byTBC

Status: N/a

3.2 Create & pilot impact crash course 

Why - A pre-prepared Crash Course that can be delivered within a limited time (eg 2 hours) will be useful to aspiring practitioners, both as a source of information and a tool to communicate the framework to others (see 2.2).

Who is involved;  No partners identified - led by Maja

Status: Crash Course pilot to be held at Europeana conference 2019

3.3 Europeana Conference 2019

Why - An impact workshop directed mostly (but not exclusively) at Impact Community members to give them first experience of using the Framework tools, meet and consult the practitioners

Who is involved;  Steering Group - led by Julia

Status: TBC

3.4 Develop an impact repository for the Impact Toolkit

Why - TBC

Who is involved;  No partners identified - led byTBC

Status: TBC
