Born-digital heritage collections
Theme: Supply
Indicator: Presence of born digital collections
Reference date: 31/08/2017 (Enumerate Core Survey 4)
Monitoring frequency: biennial
Institution types: museums, libraries, archives, other
Geographical scope: Europe
Page 5 of 7 below refers to this indicator
The indicator allows institutions to compare performance in collecting any kind of born digital heritage materials (i.e. software, digital documents, digital art and harvested web content) with others. On an aggregated scale it provides reference materials for progress in the growth of born-digital collections (e.g. Proportion of memory institutions with born-digital materials).
57% of institutions have born-digital collections.
Previous Core Surveys
- CS1 52%
- CS2 53%
- CS3 60%
Contact us
If you have a question about this indicator or the data analysis in general, please contact us. We are continuously trying to improve our data. If you have any other data or research available that complements or contradicts our data, please let us know. You can write an email to Stephanie Teunisse, stephanie.teunisse[at]