Slovenian National E-content Aggregator
Turjaška 1 Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia, SI
The general objective of the national aggregator of e-content is to connect public institutions and non-governmental organizations in the field of culture in order to realize the public interest in the field of digital culture and encouraging the extent and use of ICT. The purpose of the aggregator is to maintain a single point of access to Slovene e-content from the field of culture and to establish conditions that are needed for preservation of such content.
The national aggregator provides faster progress in the effort of stimulating digitization of different types of cultural content, better documentation of digitization projects, the development of Slovene terminology, preservation of digital content and the possibility of exporting data to Europeana and other scientific repositories of knowledge.
The aggregator provides a unified, public, simple and lasting access to e-content in the field of culture and science via the web. It encourages the creation of e-content in public institutions in the field of culture, especially those that up until now did not have the technical, human and other resources in order to enter the digital environment. It also established the connection and synergy of collaboration between existing and future portals that provide access to e-content from the field of culture and science. The national aggregator of e-content is our connection to Europeana.
In addition to data publication Slovenian National E-content aggregator also offers:
- Advice on creating, managing and harvesting of metadata,
- Advice on digitization proccesess
- Individual training
- Data storage,
- Data conversion, mapping and enrichment
Technical conditions for working with Slovenian National E-content aggregator:
- Metadata needs to be available for harvesting through OAI-PMH, or prepared in XML files, Excel tables, etc.
- Accepted data formats: EDM, ESE, MARC21, COMARC, DC and others
Limitations: None
Financial conditions: None