The project developed a standalone online crowdsourcing platform for enriching metadata of selected cultural items from Europeana collections

- Title:
- Crowd heritage project logo
- Date:
- 2018
- Copyright:
The project developed a standalone online crowdsourcing platform for enriching metadata of selected cultural items from Europeana collections
The project successfully developed the standalone online platform, which helps to improve the quality of digital content and metadata. The platform offers the opportunity for cultural heritage institutions and aggregators to design and run crowdsourcing campaigns and engage with various user communities to enrich their collections. Through these campaigns, users are able to add annotations or validate existing ones in a user-friendly and engaging manner.
The standalone platform connects to the Europeana Core service platform through the Europeana Search, Annotations, and the Entity APIs.
The project supported the Europeana Initiative by widening the outreach to fashion lovers, musical professionals and music enthusiasts, and by effectively expanding the awareness of Europeana among educational audiences in Europe.
The project organised six pan-European crowdsourcing campaigns on four themes: fashion (two campaigns), music (two campaigns), European cities & landscapes, and sports. Over 100 users participated in these campaigns and more than 11,000 annotations were gathered to enriched more than 6,000 items from Europeana Collections.
Explore more on and follow the project on their Twitter account.
This project was a Europeana Generic Services project and it was co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union.
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Europeana Foundation, The Netherlands
Michael Culture, Belgium
Europeana Fashion International Association, Italy
Ministère de la Culture, France