The state of play of copyright knowledge in cultural heritage institutions
In this report, we explore the challenges faced by institutions and professionals in relation to copyright in the cultural heritage sector.

- Title:
- Vulture Flying
- Date:
- 1885 - 1886
- Institution:
- Rijksmuseum
- Country:
- Netherlands
- Copyright:
- Public Domain
In a survey conducted by the Europeana Copyright Community, participants identified “the lack of copyright knowledge among cultural heritage professionals and an absence of training opportunities” as the biggest challenge they faced in the realm of copyright.
Many seem to agree that copyright is a pain point for the cultural heritage sector, and that more knowledge is needed. But how much, and what exactly, do cultural heritage professionals need to know? This question is key for Europana, particularly as we advance towards building more capacity, and strive to identify how to best support the sector.
The copyright knowledge gap keeps evolving (hopefully in the right direction), and research is constantly necessary. We might not have a complete answer to the question, but we have several pieces of a puzzle that we bring together in this report.