Review of the Europeana Data Model to support 3D
This report presents an analysis of the Europeana Data Model (EDM) from the perspective of enhancing representation of 3D in, both in terms of accommodating a larger quantity of items and representations, and higher quality of information.

- Title:
- Rotunda of St. Margaret of Antioch
- Date:
- 13th century
- Institution:
- Pamiatkový úrad SR
- Country:
- Slovakia
- Copyright:
The report results from the work of a group of representatives from the Europeana Initiative, most of whom are also involved in ongoing data space supporting projects on 3D, such as 5Dculture and EUreka3D.
As of February 2024, we expect that this document is sufficiently advanced to guide us towards a future extension or refinement of the Europeana Data Model. However, it must still be seen as a base for discussions to come. Therefore, we very much welcome feedback on it - as well as expressions of interest to participate in the work - to ensure that the next steps will consider all relevant requirements! Please email with any feedback.