PARTHENOS releases new training module for digital humanities researchers
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- Image from the PARTHENOS training suite website
PARTHENOS, standing for “Pooling activities, resources and tools for heritage E-research networking, optimization and synergies”, is a European-funded Horizon2020 project. It connects several different European research infrastructures and focuses on fostering research in the cultural heritage sector. The project aims to define common standards in cultural heritage research, create and implement shared policy, and develop joint activities for researchers. One of those activities is the creation of an online training suite for researchers, educators, managers and policymakers who want to learn more about research infrastructures, the issues around them and the methods to use them.
The project organisers have released a new training module entitled “Manage, Improve and Open Up Your Research Data”. The module addresses concepts such as the FAIR Principles, Open Science, and Data Management Plans, and is geared towards researchers in the digital humanities.
This module is a great resource for digital humanities and other researchers working with digital cultural heritage. In the training module, you can find Europeana resources on Linked Open Data, rights statements, the Europeana Data Model, and much more. It’s a great way to learn about working with research data and how you can use Europeana for your research at the same time!
The module is a collaborative effort led by Dr Jennifer Edmond with input from CLARIN and DARIAH among others, as well as from projects beyond the immediate PARTHENOS family, such as Europeana and EUDAT. The module “Manage, Improve and Open Up Your Research Data” offers both a linear path through the key topics and the option to pick and choose sections according to what the user is most interested in learning. Training materials used throughout the module, such as videos and presentation slides, are also freely available for lecturers and trainers to use in their own courses. For example, this presentation by Dieter van Uytvanck can be used as a resource on CLARIN and the FAIR principles.
The “Manage, Improve and Open Up Your Research Data” module is just one of many new resources being developed by the PARTHENOS project in 2018. For more details on these future developments, visit the PARTHENOS Training Suite.
If you want to find out more about why Europeana and our international partners and peers think that open data is so important for research, education, and much more, you can browse our month-long ‘Open Culture’ feature on the Year of Open and in particular, read our article on what you can do with open culture.