New Europeana Pro - the Beta version is out for your input
Welcome! As you can see, the new Europeana Pro website is now live in Beta. Let us introduce you to some of the changes - and we really hope you will be our friendly critics.

All Europeana’s professional services in one place
Whether you want to read about the data guidelines or the latest copyright reform updates, you are still in the right place. But you might have noticed that Pro is addressing more than the Network Association and data ingestion: we have integrated Europeana Labs and Europeana Research, previously living on separate websites. We now give you an integrated picture of what Europeana is and does: whether you work in academic research, education, a cultural heritage institution or the creative industry, you are part of a wide community of professionals that make this digital cultural heritage revolution happen. We hope this move will reinforce the work done by all our different communities, and that you will enjoy learning how everyone’s efforts can make a difference in the digital cultural heritage world.
A redesigned website placing people first
One of the main reasons for this redesign was to place people first. We wanted the new site to be more ‘people’ oriented to highlight our close relationships with institutions, which means that you can find out more about our staff and partners, and get to know the people behind the work.
We have been working hard on simplifying your journey on Europeana Pro, making it more functional and easier for you to find the resources you need. There’s now more than one way to find the info you want - use the traditional menu navigation (which include our new categorizations), or browse any of the landing pages, all arranged to give you an overview of what’s available at a glance. And of course there’s a hard-working ‘search’ function too.
Not only will your experience of Pro be more streamlined, but also more visual: we have been rethinking the design to showcase more content from our collections. So you’ll see inspiring imagery showing how cultural heritage material can give life to other products.
Welcome to new Pro from Europeana on Vimeo.
A collaborative process
We have been working closely with our Network to get to this new version. A Pro Working Group has been involved in the development of the site, to advise on the customer journeys. For Wietske van den Heuvel, Project editor at the Digital Heritage Netherlands (DEN Foundation), it was important that ‘the new Pro was not only about individual projects, but presenting Europeana as a whole brand. There is a lot of information, but things are easy to find.’ Júlia Katona, Head of Collection at the Schola Graphidis Art Collection in Budapest, agrees that documents and resources are more accessible thanks to the new menu structure: ‘as a researcher, I will be able to easily access the information I need related to grant funding, for instance’.
We will keep on updating the new Pro, so watch this space, and we would love to get your feedback. Are our services clear to you? Can you find the resources you are looking for? Tell us what you think and help us improve the new features! Give your feedback via the feedback button on the website or participate in one of the focus groups we will organise later in the year.
Our top-4 picks
We hope you will come back regularly to stay up to date with our services and projects. For now, here are some of our top page picks that will help you get a sense of how the site is organised - these are only a few entry points for you to explore Europeana’s work further!
If you are a digital researcher, you might want to take part in one of our online competitions using Europeana content to get your hands on a grant from Europeana Research - we will be announcing the next one later in the week, come back to submit your project proposal!
Educational professionals can learn about our pilot with Edutheque and partnership with European Schoolnet and the recommendations for Digital cultural content in primary and secondary schools.
For cultural institutions, we gathered nine reasons to share your collections with Europeana. Creative industries professionals can learn more about getting started with our award-winning API to build things with culture.
Network Association members, make sure you’re at this year’s Europeana Network Association AGM - renew your registration and book your place in Milan!