Maps for makers

Over the past months, we’ve been showcasing the best of our openly licensed digital cultural heritage content to inspire makers and new creativity, business and design. We are now launching our second promotional season dedicated to maps. We know that maps are popular resources; consider the wealth of products on Etsy and the maker audience reached by this map and makers event at the British Library. We also know that we have a lot to offer from the galleries, museums, archives and libraries from across Europe!
Over the next two months, we’ll be highlighting some of our best free to reuse cartographical content from across Europe, including colourful vintage maps and the maps of some of the most renowned cartographers in the world. Stay tuned to see the wealth of maps and map-inspired resources that are there for you to take and do anything with, in both commercial or noncommercial projects.
We invite makers to make and be inspired by our shared digital cultural heritage. We want to learn from makers and promote case studies of how they are reusing our content. So, if you want to benefit from rich, high quality, pan-European digital heritage content and the promotional support we can offer, let us know how you #MakeWithEuropeana.
Search Europeana's free to reuse collection of maps and cartographical content. Below, we showcase a few of our favourite maps as a preview before our next blog dedicated to world maps.You can also sign up to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with our content picks and opportunities.
The "time and tide" map of the Atlantic charter / [cartography] London Geographical Institute. VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. CC0.
Mappa-mundi em dois hemispherios. J. Forest. 1929. Bibliothèque nationale de France. Public Domain.
Map from "A larger history of the United States of America to the close of President Jackson's administration ... Illustrated, etc". 1885. British Library, United Kingdom. Public Domain Marked.
Map from "Pitman's Commercial Geography of the World". 1898. British Library, United Kingdom. Public Domain Marked.