New Management Board to steer Europeana Network Association

Today, I am happy to announce the results of the 2017 Europeana Management Board elections. Between 1 and 15 December, eight Councillors came forward as new Board candidates. From 10 to 17 January, the 36 Members Council representatives were then invited to select six of them to form the new Management Board.
The Management Board is responsible for management of the Association, its members sit on the Europeana Governing Board and thereby represent the Network in the Europeana Foundation’s executive decision making. The Board oversees the activities of the Association, accepts new members, and makes recommendations for the composition of the task forces and working groups. It also sets Association procedures, annual policy and budget, and delivers the annual report and financial report of the Association. The Board is managed by the Chair who acts as the voice of the Association and chairs the Management Board meetings, Members Council meetings, and the General Assembly; the Vice-Chair who carries out these responsibilities in the Chair's absence; and the Treasurer who helps trustees carry out their financial responsibilities. These three roles will be decided upon during the first Board meeting on February 1st.
The eight candidates who ran for the elections were Ellen Euler, George Homs, Max Kaiser, Paul Keller, Joke van der Leeuw - Roord, Johan Oomen, Merete Sanderhoff, Uldis Zariņš.
All 36 Councillors participated in the election (100%); and 90% of them provided a full Management Board vote (6 candidates).The results are now in, and the newly elected Management Board representatives are (in alphabetical order):
Max Kaiser
Paul Keller
Joke van der Leeuw - Roord
Johan Oomen
Merete Sanderhoff
Uldis Zariņš
Congratulations to the new Board members! We’re delighted about the outcome of these elections. Feel free to get in touch with them if you have any questions.
I want to thank all the Councillors who ran for these elections, as well as the voters for choosing their new representatives in the Europeana Foundation’s Governing Board.
We’re very grateful for your valuable time and feedback! I am looking forward to the new Management Board starting its work.
Find out more about the elections and voting
If you’d like to learn more about their activities, refer to our Network page.