Europeana and partners to showcase big data collaboration at European Open Science Cloud conference
The outcome of Europeana’s collaboration with EUDAT and CLARIN on big data in cultural heritage will be presented at EUDAT’s conference, ‘Putting the EOSC vision into practice’ in Porto, Portugal, from 22-25 January.

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- Front cover of the EOSC's First report
EOSC stands for the European Open Science Cloud, a project that falls under the European Cloud Initiative. The European Open Science Cloud aims to become a virtual environment with free at the point of use, open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and reuse of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines. The goal of the creation of the EOSC is ‘to make science more efficient and productive and let millions of researchers share and analyse research data in a trusted environment across technologies, disciplines and borders’, says Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation. The EOSC is part of the European Union’s effort to realise a Digital Single Market in Europe.
When talking about big data, open science and accessible research, you have to talk about digital cultural heritage. Europeana collaborated with EUDAT (European Data Infrastructure) and CLARIN (a European Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities) in two projects aiming to analyse and connect cultural heritage data with researchers’ workflows. As the possibilities of Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web keep gaining in importance, it’s no wonder the EUDAT conference has a track about Semantic Services and their relation to the European Open Science Cloud. Europeana will be present as a research community and stakeholder in that track, represented by Nuno Freire. Nuno was an important partner in both the EUDAT and CLARIN projects, which will both be presented as research posters at the conference.
Europeana and CLARIN’s joint project has recently been presented at the Digital Infrastructures for Research Conference in Brussels. A blog by CLARIN researcher Twan Goossen and Nuno Freire expands on the topic of this collaboration.
Find out more about Europeana’s collaboration with CLARIN
The second poster reports on the Europeana Data Pilot, in collaboration with EUDAT. It presents the outcomes and conclusions of this project. Find out more in EUDAT’s interview with Nuno Freire.