Be an early bird - get your AGM registration now and save 15 euros

If you fancy a pre-Christmas trip to Milan to discuss all things cultural with like-minded professionals from across Europe, then book your place at the Europeana Network Association AGM today. Until 1 November, early bird registration gives you everything the AGM offers for just 35 EUR. After that, the price goes up to 50 EUR.
The AGM takes place on 6 December at the Leonardo Da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology. The event brings together representatives of the Europeana Network Association to inspire each other, share stories and experience, and make recommendations for the future of Europeana.
This year's AGM will focus on next year’s Business Plan, discuss Task Forces and Working Groups and kick-start the Members Council elections. It will also be an opportunity to position Europeana as a partner in the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.
After the day’s talks, workshops and chances to chat to friends both new and old, you’ll also get some nice drinks and nibbles and a chance to visit the impressive Da Vinci museum.
And if you want to stay longer in Milan, the following two days see the European Commission cultural event - European Culture Forum take place at the Superstudio Group, Via Tortona, 27, 20144 Milan.