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2 minutes to read Posted on Friday April 9, 2021

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

portrait of Gina van der Linden

Gina van der Linden

Senior Event Manager , Europeana Foundation

Announcing our Digital Spring Programme

We’re really excited to announce details of our digital events ‘Spring Programme’. Between April and summer we will be joined by over 22 experts in digital cultural heritage who will share their experiences on topics related to our capacity building work, ranging from innovation and experimentation, digital cultural heritage and social change, and digital skills. Read on to find out more about the programme of events and how you can participate.

A painting of trees and flowers in the spring overlaid with words ''Digital Spring Programme 2021'' and the Euroepeana logo
Malerei | Sternstunde
Gadient, Markus

Digital Spring Programme

Our Europeana 2020 call for proposals really caught the imagination of the sector and we received so many fantastic proposals that we just couldn't fit into the conference. We have been working behind the scenes with some of these, and we’re really delighted to announce a suite of events for 2021 related to building digital capacity for cultural heritage professionals.

By giving a platform to colleagues in the sector we hope to provide inspiration and room for discussion, as well as showcase experimentation and new ideas. All events will be free, and offer a mixture of ignite talks, presentations with Q&A, panel discussions and workshops. They are for professionals in the GLAM sector, working at universities and in research, and educators with an interest in digital cultural heritage. The Digital Spring Programme will run from 15 April until the summer, and we’ll announce each line up on our Events pages, so keep an eye out so you can save the date!

Join us in April

The first events of the Digital Spring Programme will get underway on the afternoon of Thursday 15 April, when we are delighted to welcome three presentations on the topic of innovation and experimentation. 

  • At 13:00 CEST Martín Gómez-Ullate García de León, Researcher, University of Extremadura, will host a workshop gathering expert reflections and practices on mapping and digitising musical heritage from a case study in the city of Cáceres (Spain). 

  • At 13:45 CEST János Pancza, Director of International Operations at Qulto-Monguz, will ask 'How can you show more than just an object?' and share a tool to help you enrich your cultural heritage with information you or others already have using semantic technologies.

  • At 14:30 CEST, we will present three ten minute Ignite Talks covering topics linked to innovation, experimentation and social change in digital cultural heritage. Supriya Sharma, Executive Director of BrainGlow, will present Culture Transformation as a precursor to Digital Transformation. Johannes Dolle, the founder of Plartform, will present Creating a professional and digital art ecosystem. And Sven Ubik, Researcher at CESNET will present Digital Storytelling with Heritage Artefacts.

Secure your free ticket for the 15 April sessions.

The second event will take place on the morning of Thursday 29 April. 

  • Bernadine Brocker Wieder, Founder and Chief Executive of Vastari, will host a roundtable discussion on how to keep digital public access to works removed from museum collections. Bernadine will propose two methods for discussion on how digital technology can ensure that works are publicly available even after the gavel comes down at an auction. 

Secure your free ticket for the 29 April session.

Submit your proposal for our Digital Spring Programme

Our 2020 programme of digital events reached nearly 3,000 practitioners working in and around digital cultural heritage, covering topics as diverse as copyright, digital skills, education, engaging audiences, impact, inclusive cultural heritage, research, data sharing and innovative technologies. If you have a proposal for a digital intervention that you’d like to share to our network and beyond as part of this Digital Spring Programme, we’d love to hear from you and offer you our support. Please complete the form below so we can get in touch with you!
