Europeana #edTech Challenge 2018 - Terms and Conditions
The Europeana #edTech Challenge 2018 is now closed for applications.
- Title:
- Vanitas Still Life
- Creator:
- Edwaert Collier
- Date:
- 1662
- Institution:
- Rijksmuseum
- Copyright:
- Public Domain
The Europeana #edTech Challenge 2018 is now closed for applications.
We invite entrepreneurs, developers, designers and cultural heritage digital thinkers to submit their best idea(s) that use cultural heritage and digital technologies to foster innovative learning and teaching.
Theme: Culture & edTech
Prize: A total of €30.000
Submission deadline: 15 January - 28 February 2018
- Online application period: 15 January - 28 February (23.59 CET) 2018
- Panel assessment period: 1 March - 15 March 2018
- Interviews with the shortlisted applicants - 16 - 23 March 2018
- Winner(s) announced on Europeana Labs: 26 March 2018
Who and what is eligible?
We invite applications from individuals or teams of creatives from anywhere in the world. The applicants must be above 18 years old.
Important! Applicants must be registered as legal entities in their respective country. This is required for the contractual arrangement with Europeana (see our frequently asked questions for more information).
Your product/service must:
- Be digital e.g. use digital technological processes and resources.
- Reuse Europeana openly licensed content for educational purposes. Usage of the Europeana API is optional; you can also manually download items.
- (An early prototype must) Be delivered on or before 31 August 2018.
Note: openly licensed content means content with a rights statement that allows you to freely use it in any context (eg Public domain, CC0, CC BY, CC BY-SA). CC BY-ND can be used in some educational contexts. We will not fund proposals that do not respect the relevant rights statements. Find out more about how to use our data.
We can accept entries which are:
- Of various types - eligible proposals include but are not limited to digital applications, games, web services, learning software, etc.
- At various stages of maturity (concept, prototype, early-stage product). Applications should be supported with digital visual proof or illustration of the product/service (e.g. for a web-based platform, you could send us a webpage in alpha or a PDF of your intended website design).
- Existing applications and platforms when they are based on the challenge theme. They must further the business potential of the existing application - significant new developments must be planned and described in the application.
We do NOT accept:
- Projects in receipt of other EU funding.
- Publication of PhD thesis and similar scientific publications even if related to the challenge theme.
- Research projects.
Assessment criteria
Successful applications will deliver a product/service/business that:
- Has Europeana openly licensed content as a central element;
- Foster innovative learning and/or teaching by implementing new digital educational technologies and/or learning approaches. Examples of these include virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), gamification, etc.
- Has a clear business model to ensure project’s sustainability
- Can be applied across countries and languages (scalability potential)
Application submission
Applicants must submit their entries only via the simple form below. Once you submit your application there will be no further chance to edit your proposal, so ensure that you work on it carefully before submitting.
Application support
We are not able to review or comment on your application or project idea or provide extensive advice during the application period. See the bottom of the page for various resources to assist your creative process.
Make sure you read our frequently asked questions before submitting your proposal.
Judging process
Your application will first be screened by the Europeana reuse team against the competition criteria above. Eligible applications will then be assessed by an external panel of experts drawn from across the education, creative industries and cultural heritage sector in Europe. The shortlisted proposals will be invited for a Skype interview with the assessment panel and winners will be announced on 26 March 2018. Find out more about the assessment criteria.
Where possible, we will give feedback to unsuccessful applicants by 14 March 2018. Please note that this is an extremely competitive process and we anticipate many applications.
Prize information
The challenge winner(s) will receive a share of the €30.000 budget. Multiple projects may be funded within this amount and the exact funding amount will vary depending on how well the entry meets the challenge criteria and what its development needs are. Recommendations on the amount of investment will be made by the panel and so it may not match the requested funding.
Winning proposals will be extensively promoted via the Europeana communication channels and, where possible, via Europeana partner channels.
Conditions of funding
The winner(s) will sign a subcontract with the Europeana Foundation. A staged payment schedule and delivery points will be agreed between Europeana and the winning applicant(s). Important: you must plan to deliver an early prototype on or before 31 August 2018.
You own the intellectual property in whatever you develop. On your finished product and on any related website or materials you must use the ‘Made with Europeana’ logo.
Technical support
- Extensive information package on using the Europeana APIs
- Bulk downloading media and metadata using the Europeana API
- Submit your question to or check our API forum
#EuropeanaInspires and #EuropeanaEducation
- Guidance on searching Europeana Collections
- Guide to using Europeana in Education
- Various openly licensed datasets Europeana boards on Pinterest
- Europeana Labs blog for frequently updated ideas and inspiration
- Europeana Education LinkedIn group