Via della Bonifica 69 Peccioli 56037 Italy, IT
PHOTOCONSORTIUM is Europeana's domain aggregator specialized in photographic content, and since 2014 has made accessible in Europeana over 500,000 photographs from around 50 partners, showcasing famous heritage collections from prestigious public institutions and private agencies, and also unveiling hitherto unknown photographic content from crowdsourcing campaigns, private collectors and smaller local archives.
The high quality data that are made available to Europeana are also promoted and showcased in a dedicated thematic collection: "Europeana Photography", curated by PHOTOCONSORTIUM and enriched with galleries, virtual exhibitions, blogs.
PHOTOCONSORTIUM – International Consortium for Photographic Heritage is a non for profit association whose purpose is the promotion and enhancement of the culture of photography and photographic heritage. It promotes and organizes conferences, exhibitions, events and training courses. The association participates - and promotes the participation of its members - in new projects and initiatives, including but not limited to participation in the Programmes of the European Commission.
In addition to data publication PHOTOCONSORTIUM offers:
- Advice on digitisation practices and equipment,
- Advice on data format and management,
- Training on MINT mapping tool,
- Advice on archiving tools and practices,
- Advice on IPR issues and rights labelling, particularly promoting open/wider access policies
- Advice and support on the Europeana Publishing Framework as well as the Europeana Exchange Agreement,
- Data curation, particularly for educational reuse purposes,
- Promotion of collections and objects through virtual and physical exhibitions, blogs, social media and via photoconsortium.net portal
Technical conditions for working with PHOTOCONSORTIUM:
- Data format needs to be checked case by case, with personalized support in all the phases of the ingestion process, according to the provider’s requirements and skills
Limitations: None
Financial conditions: Small annual fee to be paid