National Heritage Institute, Bucharest
str. Ienăchiță Văcărescu nr. 16, sect. 4 București 40157 Romania, RO
The National Heritage Institute [INP] is the national aggregator for Romania, since 2008. Since then it has been aggregating datasets from more than 250 Romanian providers. INP is a public institution under the Romanian Ministry of Culture. Its mission is to research, protect and restore the cultural heritage of Romania (including the immovable, movable, digital and intangible heritage). It has a professional team specialized in cultural documentation (architects, archaeologists, bibliologists, historians, art historians, ethnographers, etc.), beside information specialists. The National Heritage Institute activities include:
- Collecting, processing and disseminating information on the movable, immovable, intangible and digital cultural heritage;
- Supervising the restoration works for the monuments across the country;
- Management of the national heritage databases.
In addition to data publication the National Heritage Institute offers:
- Advice on metadata quality requirements,
- Advice on quality requirements for digital objects,
- Metadata conversion,
- Data storage.
Technical conditions for working with the National Heritage Institute:
- Digital objects must be published online and made available either via a direct link to the digital file or to the website where the digital file is hosted,
- Metadata in a processable file (database, sheet, i.e. not plain text).
Limitations: None
Financial conditions: None