Jewish Heritage Network
http://www.jhn.ngoJewish Cultural Quarter 16737 Amsterdam 1011 RE Netherlands, NL
Jewish Heritage Network (JHN) is the network of Jewish cultural heritage institutions, counting more than thirty Jewish museums, libraries, and research centers, mainly in Europe, but also in Israel and US. JHN is the operator of the Judaica Europeana aggregator and content partner consortium, funded by the European Commission (via Judaica Europeana and Judaica Europeana 2.0 projects)
In addition to data publication the Jewish Heritage Network offers:
- Advice on description format and mapping
- Advice on publishing methods and standards
- Advice on content preparation
- Metadata enrichment (Europeana and Judaica specific)
- Data storage
- Training workshops on above mentioned subjects
- Digital services for heritage institutions
- Storytelling content development
- Advice on European funding
Limitations: None
Financial conditions: None