Digital Repository of Ireland
Research Institute
http://www.dri.ie/19 Dawson Street Dublin D02 HH58 Ireland, IE
The Digital Repository of Ireland is a national infrastructure for Ireland’s social and cultural heritage, which aims to curate, preserve and provide sustained access to Ireland's humanities and social science data. DRI was originally built by a research consortium of six academic partners working together to deliver the repository, policies, guidelines and training. Core academic institutions continue to manage the repository and implement its policies, guidelines and training. These are the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and Maynooth University (MU). DRI is also supported by a network of academic, cultural, social and industry partners.
In addition to data publication DRI also offers:
- Data storage and preservation services,
- Data conversion into web-renderable surrogate versions,
- Metadata mapping to EDM,
- Metadata enrichment,
- Advice on metadata enrichment for data providers,
- Tools for transforming spreadsheet (tabular) metadata for ingest,
- Support for all data formats (although open, lossless and archival formats are recommended),
- Published guides on how to prepare metadata and data (available at https://www.dri.ie/publications),
- Regular training for members and potential members on metadata preparation, ingestion to the DRI, metadata enrichment and digital preservation,
- Curatorial and editorial activities, e.g. featured collections, occasional blog posts, twitter series featuring themed objects.
Technical conditions for working with DRI:
- Metadata can be provided in MODS, MARC, EAD or Dublin Core,
- Metadata can be submitted in English or Irish.
Limitations: Aggregation service available to Irish social and cultural institutions that have deposited material with the DRI.
Financial conditions: Annual fee for membership of the DRI.