What is an Anthropocenic Object? Transdisciplinary perspectives on natural, cultural and hybrid objects
This digital event is for and with interdisciplinary researchers and museum professionals. It is organised by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin as part of a project in collaboration with Europeana Research, within the Europeana Research Grants Programme.

- Title:
- Chicken eggs, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Photo: Marc Jerusel,
- Copyright:
13:00 — 18:00
(CET) Online
If nature and culture in the Anthropocene can no longer be considered as two independent spheres, this has an impact on the status of objects today. What new categories are needed to describe and work with objects? What does it mean for museums and other institutions if the distinction between natural and cultural heritage no longer fits? And can the observation of humans’ interaction with their objects help in better understanding the so-called Anthropocene?
The workshop is centred on the exchange of theoretical and practical perspectives and joint reflection. Invited speakers are asked to bring an object (or its digital representation) that can be described as an Anthropocenic object from their point of view.
This event opens a series of workshops on 'Anthropocenic Objects. Collecting practices for the Age of Humans'.
- Bergit Arends (London)
- Nils Güttler (Zürich)
- Franz Mauelshagen (Bielefeld)
- Gregg Mitman (Wisconsin-Madison)
- Sandra Maß (Bochum)
- Benjamin Steininger (Berlin)
- Nicole Heller (Pittsburgh)
- Mareike Vennen (Berlin)
For more information, please visit the website. Or register directly here.
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
- Dr Elisabeth Heyne elisabeth.heyne@mfn.berlin
- Ulrike Sturm ulrike.sturm@mfn.berlin
- Elisa Herrmann elisa.herrmann@mfn.berlin
Europeana Foundation
- Dr Alba Irollo alba.irollo@europeana.eu