Practical Application of Artificial Intelligence in Libraries
This event was organised by the National and University Library of Slovenia and the IFLA Section for Information Technology, with the support of Europeana Research and EuropeanaTech communities.

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- Logos of the organizer and supporting organisations
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- Public Domain
09:00 — 12:00
(CEST) Online
Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in all areas of human activity, including libraries. New solutions are being developed to significantly simplify certain library procedures and processes. These include the automation of routine processes, such as automatic categorisation of library materials, personalised book and resource recommendations based on user information needs, advanced information search and filtering, recognition of various images and audio recordings, digitisation of manuscripts and rare books, library system management, preservation of library materials, and more.
This seminar was intended for librarians, information professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding what artificial intelligence is, the importance of data and metadata quality stored in libraries, how machine learning influences pattern recognition, and how artificial intelligence can enhance the functioning of libraries and benefit users.
For more information please visit the website or watch the video recording.
- Edmund Balnaves (Prosentient Systems)
- José Eduardo Cejudo Grano de Oro (Europeana Foundation)
- Alexandra Adamova (BnF)
- Jean-Philippe Moreaux (BnF)
- Inna Kobal (Jožef Stefan Institute)
- Mojca Rupar Korošec (NUK)
- Andrew Cox (Sheffield University)