DHBN 2024 - Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries, 8th Conference
This Annual Conference of the DHNB aims to support research, education, and the dissemination of digital humanities in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

- Title:
- DHNB2024
- Copyright:
27 — 31
May 2024
12:00 — 15:00
(CEST) University of Iceland School of Education, Menntavísindasvið, Stakkahlíð 1, 105 Reykjavík
12:00 — 15:00
(CEST) University of Iceland School of Education, Menntavísindasvið, Stakkahlíð 1, 105 Reykjavík
This year's theme of the DHNB Conference is: From Experimentation to Experience. Lessons Learned from the Intersections between Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
The panel by the GLAM Labs Community also features the common European data space for cultural heritage: Publication and reuse of digital collections - A GLAM Labs approach.