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Posted on Tuesday February 9, 2016

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

Ljubljanski zvon (the Ljubljana Bell) - old Slovenian journal for fiction, literature and criticism

Ljubljanski zvon - old Slovenian journal for fiction, literature and criticism. A journal published in Ljubljana in Slovene between 1881 and 1941. It was considered one of the most prestigious literary and cultural magazines in Slovenia.

The editors of Ljubljanski zvon included figures such as Fran Levec, Anton Funtek, Janko Kersnik, Anton Aškerc, Oton Župančič, Anton Melik, Fran Albreht, Anton Ocvirk, Tone Seliškar and Juš Kozak. Many of the most important Slovene authors of the period published their works in the journal, including Dragotin Kette, Josip Murn, Ivan Cankar and Alojz Gradnik.

The journal also published articles in the field of humanities and social sciences, both from Slovene and non-Slovene authors. All issues of the journal can be freely accessed online on the Digital Library of Slovenia.
