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Posted on Monday June 29, 2015

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

CH Context widget

This JavaScript-based widget and Wordpress plugin that is able to provide links to cultural heritage materials (from Europeana or Digital Public Library of America or Polish Digital Library Federation) based on a predefined item in a website on which it is embedded (via given JQuery HTML selector).
main image

This JavaScript-based widget and Wordpress plugin that is able to provide links to cultural heritage materials (from Europeana or Digital Public Library of America or Polish Digital Library Federation) based on a predefined item in a website on which it is embedded (via given JQuery HTML selector).

The widget is able to provide links to cultural heritage materials (from Europeana or Digital Public Library of America or Polish Digital Library Federation) based on predefined item of a website on which it is embedded (via given JQuery HTML selector). The widget can be used by anyone who has a website, but it may be especially valuable for cultural heritage institutions which would like to enrich their online catalogues or websites with links to Europeana. It may also be useful for bloggers who are writing about culture and related topics.

The WordPress plugin provides a widget with the same functionality but embedded in a Wordpress blog. It is able to provide a list of links to cultural heritage materials based on:

  • tags of currently displayed post, or
  • predefined item of the website (via given JQuery HTML selector).

